Directed by M. Night Shyamalan
Running Time: 1:47
Rated PG-13 for intense thematic material and violent images
The big twist of course at the end is that Dr. Crowe realizes that he is one of the dead people that Cole can see and talk to. When that hit, it absolutely stunned me. I was not ready for that to be the big plot twist I had heard about. Immediately I think everyone in the theater started to replay the entire movie to make sure it was all possible. And for the most part the screenplay was solid enough that it was possible, especially with the seemingly thrown away line of, "dead people only see what they want to see". It's a line that by itslef didn't mean anything, but once Crowe realized he was dead, it all came rushing back.
But here's my question. Did Crowe not interact with a single person in this movie? When he was at the hospital, did he not talk to one of the doctors? Did he never try and talk to Cole's mother? Wouldn't he have thought at least that people were ignoring him? I know in the movie Cole said that dead people don't think they're dead, but you would think that when one of them tried to talk to a living person they'd realize something was up. Somehow I don't buy the dead people only see what they want to see line covering up the fact that Crowe didn't talk to a single person throughout the film. But otherwise the ending was a very good surprise and completely changed my opinion of the film. So go see it.
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