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Directed by Alex Proyas
Running Time: 1:37

From the director of The Crow comes the mystical and non-sensical Dark City. See, there are these people call The Strangers, a race of people from somewhere else in the Universe. They're dying out, so they decide to come to Earth and use us to figure out a way to stay alive. They figure that it's our souls that make us who we are, so if they can figure out how to get our souls, they can save their own race. So they kidnap some of us and take our memories, and every night they take a memory from one person, and inject it into another person, to see what they can learn. One man, John Murdoch (Rufus Sewell), wakes up when someone elses memory is being implanted into him, and somehow he gains these powers the Strangers have to change the physical universe by just using their minds. So Murdoch sets out to figure out whats going on, and why at midnight every night time stops and these strange buildings appear. And why there is never any sunlight. In the movie, he's supposed to be a hunted serial killer, so that's what the premise of the movie is, but you know better.

The movie was very dark and mysterious. For a lot of the time, it felt like an old 50's B-horror film, with the flickering lights, and the cheesy special effects. Hell, sometimes the movie looked like it was shot in black and white, and then colorized. Now granted, some of the special effects were cool, but most of it didn't look right. The story didn't make any sense until the last 20 minutes or so where they had to actually spell it all out for you. For me, the only real redeeming quality was Jennifer Connelly, but that's just me. And it wasn't like she had to try real hard to play her role as the "wife" of Murdoch. The entire movie just left me wondering what the hell was going on, and why I was sitting there watching it.

So after a while, I started to see if there was some deeper meaning to the movie. Maybe a point they were trying to make. So here's what I got. You can't find a person's soul, by looking at their memories. It's not their minds that make them who they are, it's their heart. You can take my mind, and put it into someone else, but they won't become me, because each person is an individual. Anyway, that's what I got, and it's a decent point, but they could have made it a little easier to figure out.

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