BAM! What a ride! Once again, producer extrordinaire, Jerry Bruckheimer delivers a great action ride. From Top Gun and Days of Thunder to Crimson Tide and The Rock, Bruckheimer knows how to give you the best bang for your buck. Con Air stars Nicolas Cage as Cameron Poe, an ex-Ranger sent to prison for involuntary manslaughter. The day he's paroled, he hitches a ride back home, on a plane loaded with some of the deadliest criminals in the country. The cons, lead by the brilliant John Malkovich as Cyrus "the Virus", take control of the plane, and all hell breaks loose. Not much of a plot, but you don't go see Con Air for the plot. You go see it because it's non-stop action. Something is always happening, and generally something is blowing up. The supporting cast is great, lead by John Cusack as a U.S. Marshall, and Ving Rhames as "Diamond Dog". I know what you're thinking, that this is just another run-of-the-mill action thriller, and in some ways, you'd be correct. But after seeing films like Breakdown and The Fifth Element, watching Con Air is like seeing a master at work. Bruckheimer, (along with his late partner Don Simpson), knows how to make a real action thriller. People watch movies to be entertained, and there is no question that this movie entertains. So what if there's no story? So what if the dialogue is cheesy? People die! Things blow up! Rent it, and have a good time... 
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