Directed by Lee Tamahori
Running Time: 1:54
What a stupid movie. I really had no intention of seeing The Edge but a friend of mine really wanted to see it, so I said, OK. He now has decided never to choose what movie to see, and only listen to my opinion. I don't remember the last time I felt so bored at a movie. I felt like I was watching the Disney film, Homeward Bound but with people. Anthony Hopkins plays this rich billionare who seems to know everything, who has a beautiful wife who happens to be a model (Elle Macpherson). Alec Baldwin is a photographer who may or may not be having an affair with Elle. Well they decide to go to Alaska to shoot some pictures, and one thing leads to another, Alec and Anthony along with another couple of guys get into a plane wreck where the pilot dies. The other three (the third being a black man who you know is going to die) have to find their way back to civilization. The entire time Hopkins thinks Baldwin is going to kill him for his money and his wife. Well if he is or if he isn't just doesn't matter. The whole movie is spent trying to get out of the woods. The dialogue seemed hokey, and a lot of what happens just doesn't make sense. My friends and I literally spent an hour and a half afterwards saying what was wrong with the movie. The only reason this movie didn't get an F rating is because the scenery is nice to look at. Even the scenes with the bear and the squirrel look fake, and let me ask you something, what kind of forest has only one bear and one squirrel and NO OTHER ANIMALS? The only time the movie gets interesting, and even that is relative, is an hour and forty minutes into it, when the two get into a little confrontation. Please, don't bother wasting your money on The Edge, go see something, anything, else.