Directed by Andy Wilson
Running Time: 1:33
Can someone please tell me the point of this movie? David Duchovny plays Dr. Eugene Sands, a surgeon who lost his license because he was high when he operated on someone. One night, while buying more drugs, he sees someone get shot, and then proceeds to save his life. This catched the eye of Raymond Blossom (Timothy Hutton), who hires Sands to operate on people whenever it may be necessary (and you'd be surprised how many times the situation occurs, and in so many different places). Sands agrees, mainly because he's attracted to Blossoms girlfriend Claire (Angelina Jolie). Then the FBI get to Sands and tell him either he goes to jail or he helps them get to Blossom and some Chinese nationalist. Sound interesting? Well it's not. It's more like, we have David Duchovny, he's pretty popular, so let's make a movie with him in it, and people will go see it. Forget about making it interesting, just make it. I like Duchovny, I think he's the only redeeming quality in the film. Hutton is completely miscast as a bad guy. I like Hutton, I've even talked to the man before, but he's not a bad guy, unless you're making a spoof of an action film, then maybe. Jolie is a beautiful woman, who has no real role in the movie except to look good. I feel real bad for Duchovny whose talents should be put to better use. Don't bother with Playing God, it's not worth it.