Directed by Stephen Herek
Running Time: 1:53
MPAA Rating: PG (for language)

Well first of all, you see the picture on top? It's a picture of Eddie Murphy. And he's got his name above the title. But it's not an Eddie Murphy film. Holy Man actually stars Jeff Goldblum, with Murphy in a supporting role. So don't go in thinking it's an Eddie Murphy comedy, because it's not, for two reasons. It's not an Eddie Murphy film, and it's not all that funny.

Goldblum stars as Ricky Hayman, a producer at the Good Buy Shopping Network. Ratings are down, and the boss tells him to either pick them up, or he's out. So Ricky gets teamed with Kate Newell (Kelly Preston) and together they're going to try and boost the ratings. Out of nowhere comes their savior, G (Eddie Murphy). He's this guru-looking figure in flowing robes who seems to have this connection with people. So Ricky gets G to go on the Shopping Network, ratings soar, but as always there's a problem.

G is on a spiritual journey. The only reason he's on the Shopping Network is because doctors told him he needed to stay out of the sun for a while. But the ratings are so good, Ricky lies to G to get him to stay, even when G is better. Moral dilemma time. And I think you can guess how resolves itself. So let's get to the movie. First, like I said, this isn't an Eddie Murphy comedy. It's a movie about Jeff Goldblum trying to come to grips with his spiritual side with the help of G. Ricky has money problems, women problems, job problems, all sorts of problems that he can't fix because he isn't centered enough. G comes along to help him find himself. From reading those last couple of sentences, do you think it sounds like a comedy? The only thing remotely funny about the movie, were the mock-infomercials they had. Ones for laundry balls, or cooking while driving, or the chainsaw. Those send-ups of home shopping were well done and funny, but the rest of the movie wasn't. It tried to be at times, but the movie got bogged down in it's quest to try and incorporate a love story and a spiritual story. I'm not against spiritual stories, or love stories for that matter, but don't package them in a movie and call it a comedy, because it doesn't work.

I just read that the director and producer initially approached Murphy to play Ricky instead of G, but Eddie wanted to play G. I think the movie had the potential to be better if he had played Ricky, because it would have allowed them to use Eddie's comedic talents a little better. Goldblum has always been a little stiff to me, and not the kind of guy you would think could hold a comedy together. So overall I wouldn't bother seeing Holy Man. It's a movie that tries to make you laugh, but eventually leaves you unfulfilled.

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