Directed By Gary Fleder
Running Time: 1:55
Morgan Freeman stars as Alex Cross, a Washington D.C. forensic psychologist/best selling author. His niece is kidnapped while in college in Durham, NC, and he goes down to help the police figure out what happened. As it turns out, other girls have also been kidnapped, and they all have the same profile. Late teens to early twenties, beautiful and smart. So Cross sets out to save the day. Sort of a by-the-numbers thriller with a few extra twists and turns. First, the guy they're tracking isn't a serial killer, just a serial kidnapper. Second, he's not just doing this by himself, there seems to be someone else on the other end of the country doing the same thing. No real explaination given as to why they're doing this, nor how they know each other, but hey, why tell you everything? So Cross, along with Ashley Judd (who was one of the girls who got kidnapped, but she managed to escape), track down the kidnapper and save the day. I think the general consensus is that Morgan Freeman is a real good actor, and Ashley Judd held her own as well. I just think that there were too many story points that weren't dealt with, and too many holes open to make this a real good thriller. The movie that Kiss the Girls gets compared to the most is Seven mainly because of Freeman and the somewhat simliar plot lines. Seven was a far superior movie because it had a much tighter script, and the movie was very dark. The director didn't hurt either (David Fincher whose latest movie is The Game ). I say if you want a few good scares, and a few good chills, check out Kiss the Girls, but just don't go in expecting too much.