Directed by John R. Leonetti
Running Time: 1:37
What a load of crap. Maybe I was expecting too much after seeing the original, I don't know. What I do know is, from beginning to end, this movie was boring. I tried, oh I tried, to find some redeeming quality about the movie. Well what about the special effects? you might ask. You remember how the first movie looked? All the action looked like it was taking place right there. The colors were full and rich, the sets looked real. In this movie, it looked like everything was shot in one place, and the backgrounds and sets were drawn in later. Well, you might ask next, what about the characters? Certainly the famous Mortal Kombat characters were interesting. Well, no. First, they brought back I believe 6 people from the last movie (4 good guys and 2 bad) but only two of the actors were the same. And in comparison, the new actors were pretty lame. The new characters, save for one, were never really utilized to their abilities. There was this centaur looking fellow who looked cool, but wasn't really used till the end. The woman with 4 arms, again cool looking, but not used till the end. Well, you might ask, what about the story? Well this time instead of a mortal kombat tournament to take over the world, the bad guys invade the earth illegally. But really, does anyone go to these kind of movies for a plot? I think the writer/director/producer thought so, because this plot wasn't explored really at all. And the writing. I can't remember the last time I heard writing so lousy. It's been a long time since I've been this dissapointed in a movie. I would put the blame on the director this time. The first Mortal Kombat was exciting, and visually stunning. This one is more like the cheap crappy little brother that should have been buried in the backyard or straight to video instead of being in the theaters. Everything in this movie could have and should have looked like the first, but it didn't. Now, the kids in the theater loved the movie, but for the slightly older crowd, don't bother wasting your money.