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Michelle Pfeiffer
as Ingrid

Zac Efron
as Paul

Robert De Niro
as Stan Harris

Halle Berry
as Nurse Aimee

Jessica Biel
as Tess Byrne

Seth Meyers
as Griffin Byrne

Katherine Heigl
as Laura

Jon Bon Jovi
as Jensen

Sofia Vergara
as Ava

Ashton Kutcher
as Randy

Lea Michele
as Elise

Hilary Swank
as Claire Morgan

Written by Katherine Fugate

Directed by Garry Marshall

Running Time: 1:58

Rated PG-13
for language including some sexual references.



New Year's Eve was a star-studded, disastrous film that had exactly 2 decent roles.


There are too many story lines to mention, but let's just say they involve missed meetings, family members dying, romances that failed and babies being born. And you can see the cast members to your left, or visit for more.


Seth Meyers and Sofia Vergara. Those were the two actors who I enjoyed in this movie. And I suppose Katherine Heigl and Lea Michele, but only because of what they were wearing (Heigl's final silver dress - wow). Meyers and Vergara were funny with the limited screen time they had and were all the characters that entertaining, the movie would have been hugely enjoyable. Instead, because of the immense amount of star power, the movie just kept jumping from story to story, never letting me get fully engaged in any of the characters. Meyers was part of a team with Jessica Biel as a couple about to have a baby, learning that the first baby born in the new year at that hospital gets $25k. But they learn that from another couple who is in the same situation. It could have been a pretty funny story line. I can even see an entire movie being made about just that. Instead they got maybe 15 minutes of screen time and by the resolution, I didn't care. Meyers had some very funny lines, which made me wonder if he was adlibbing everything since most of the rest of the film was very flat. Vergara was part of a story line with Heigl and Jon Bon Jovi, where Jon Bon and Heigl had been dating and almost married before he ran off. Now they see each other again after a year and the sparks fly. Vergara was strictly a supporting character in the story, but she made the most of it, playing someone very similar to the character she plays on Modern Family, just a little less excitable. She too had a lot of humorous lines, but most of that came from her delivery. She was actually the only actor in the film that I felt looked truly happy to be there. Everyone else felt like they were there for a paycheck. Beyond Meyers and Vergara, not one character/actor stood out.

One of the story lines revolved around Robert De Niro who was in a hospital, about to die. All he wanted was to get on the roof of the building and see the ball drop at midnight. It could have been a decent story, but thrown in the middle of all the others (babies being born for $25K, a man rushing to meet a woman he hadn't seen in a year, a 15 year old trying to party with her friends and get her first kiss, a romance trying to be rekindled), it felt like the odd man out. At one point, if my memory serves me correctly, the movie cut from a hysterical Meyers trying to find a cab when his wife's water breaks, to a dying De Niro in the hospital. It was so jarring that it turned me off completely. Besides which, you knew perfectly well that no matter what the doctors said, he was making it to the roof. And that was the other thing, there were two sort of surprises in the film, but for the most part the movie played out exactly as you expected. The two surprises were who showed up at the hospital with De Niro, and who Josh Duhamel was desperately trying to see. The person who ends up with De Niro was fine, but for Josh Duhamel to be pining for (spoiler alert!) Sarah Jessica Parker after a year? C'mon man. You're telling me that a rich, good looking single guy who has women throwing themselves at him, has been dreaming of a middle-aged divorcee with a teenage kid? For a year? Abigail Breslin plays Parker's kid and while she's a very talented and very cute kid, they caked on so much makeup on her face that she didn't look like she could move.

Oh yeah, Ashton Kutcher was in this movie as well, with Lea Michele as the two of them were stuck in an elevator. It led to having Lea sing a 'duet' with Jon Bon though they were miles apart. Oh right, then there was the story with Michelle Pfeiffer and Zac Efron. She was a fed up assistant who quits her job, and he's a delivery guy who loves to party. She hires him to fulfill a wish list and if he can help her do it, he'll get passes to the hottest party in town. A sweet story, though completely ridiculous. I will say this about Efron, while he threw himself into the role, he sounded like he was trying to hard. He is however the single best actor I've seen dance on screen. Halle Berry (who I hate as an actress) was De Niro's nurse. Hilary Swank played a woman who was in charge basically of making sure the ball dropped on time. It failed at one point so she had to make a speech about loving and forgiveness, and then she called in some help and it was fixed. And I think that about covers all the major actors and their story lines. So yes, it was definitely star-packed but none of the story lines had any time to develop, the dialogue was extremely bland and boring, besides Meyers and Vergara none of the actors looked like they wanted to be there, and the entire movie was completely predictable.


So overall, I wasn't a fan of New Year's Eve. I get the idea - throw in a ton of star power and just let the movie rest on that. And that'll fool some people. But if you're looking for a good or entertaining movie, this isn't it.

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Reviewed 12/10/11

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