This was a very good movie. Let me start by saying, I'm not the biggest Howard Stern fan in the world. I listen to him sometimes on my way to school in the morning, but I prefer music in the morning, so not too often. But I liked this movie. If it is actually the way his life went, then Howard Stern is a good person in private, and a nut in public. The movie takes you through his life from childhood to almost the present. The funniest parts were just seeing Howard play himself younger, and looking at some of those wigs. He truly was a geek, and I'm still trying to figure out how a woman that looks as good as his wife does (Mary McCormick in the film), could have fallen in love with him. While the movie follows Stern through his various radio jobs, from the Boston University radio station, through to Detroit, and ending up in New York City, the backbone of the entire movie is his relationship with his wife. She has to be the most tolerant person in the world to put up with some of the crap he deals out on the radio. But he really does have two different personalities, one as the shock-jock the world knows and loves, and the other as a caring husband who is truly in love iwith his wife. You don't have to be a Howard Stern fan to enjoy this movie, it really is funny (especially the scene in the bathtub). And don't turn it off at the credits, keep watching till the very end.