Written by James L. White
Directed by Taylor Hackford
Running Time: 2:35
Rated PG-13
for depiction of drug addiction,
sexuality and some thematic elements
Ray was
a great movie that pulled no punches and featured an outstanding
performance by Jamie
Foxx as the legendary Ray Charles.
Ray Charles Robinson was born in the South
and had a rough upbringing. His mother worked cleaning other
people's clothes and his father was nowhere to be found. Although
his mother had a hard edge, she wanted nothing but the best for her
children. When he was young, Ray watched his younger brother
drown, and it's an image that haunted him the rest of his life.
To make matters worse, Ray lost his eyesight shortly thereafter.
His mother did all she could for him, but knew that in order for Ray to
make something of himself, he'd have to go away to a school for the
blind. While there, his mother passed away. Ray grew up and
became able to take care of himself. Although blind, he becomes
one of the great piano players of his era. He decided to leave
Tampa and take a bus all the way up to Seattle where he would meet a
young Quincy Jones. From there, Ray goes through ups and downs in
his career and his personal life. He gets married, but sleeps
with other women. He becomes addicted to heroin for many years,
before finally kicking the habit. He goes through a series of
bands before becoming the singer we all know and love. But
throughout it all, he creates music that is revolutionary and legendary.
First and foremost,
the greatest thing about Ray is the astounding performance by Jamie
Foxx. All the awards he has received are certainly well
deserved. Playing a legend, especially with the legend being
right there with you (Ray Charles died after filming was completed),
can not be easy. But Foxx literally became Ray Charles.
This is no "I'm Rick James Bitch!" type performance from Dave
this is an actor becoming another human being. And let's admit
it, when I (and most of the rest of the world) heard Jamie Foxx was
going to be playing Ray Charles, we all did a double take. Foxx
was then best known for being on In
Living Color and having his own Jamie Foxx show on the WB. He
had started to do more dramatic work, and had gotten good reviews for
his roles in Any Given Sunday and Ali, but those were supporting
roles. This was Foxx going front and center, and on top of it, he
had to play someone that the majority of the country knew and
loved. His ability to mimic Ray's physical movement and his voice
was incredible, but it never fell to the level of parody.
Throughout the movie there are some of the great Ray Charles songs
being performed, and until you read the closing credits, you can not
tell which ones are sung by Foxx and which ones are sung by Ray.
This performance may have just been added to my list of the greatest
performances I've seen in my lifetime (joining Denzel Washington in
X, Sean Penn in Dead
Man Walking and Robert DeNiro in Raging
Ray Charles did not lead a terrific
life. Beyond his obvious hardships as a child, when he grew up,
he became a hard man to love. That was one of the aspects of the
movie I enjoyed the most; they didn't back down from his life, they
showed almost everything without sugar coating. His heroin
addiction for one was something they could have glossed over, but they
showed how it started and why it started, and took us all the way
through to the terrifying ending in detox. His womanizing, while
well known before the movie, was also something they could have passed
on, but instead they showed how he loved his wife, but still took other
women while on the road. I did notice however that right at the
end of the credits, they mentioned Ray had 12 kids, but in the movie, I
counted 3. I realize that they couldn't show everything about his
life in the time they had, but maybe they could have showed a little
more of the consequences of his actions. Who had all the
Ray may have been
blind, but he was no pushover. From early on he knew people were
going to try and take advantage of him, and he fought back, willing to
give up everything to be true to the business. Not many people
would have turned their back on free room and board (and free sex) in
order to make a point about money. And on the road with his new
band, it was the same thing. If someone tried to take advantage
of him, Ray would fight back. And when he finally made it big, he
still kept pushing, making a tremendous stand to keep his own master
recordings, something unheard of even in today's world. His
biggest stand was the one against discrimination. In Georgia at
the time, blacks and whites weren't allowed to mix at the arena Ray was
scheduled to perform in. Ray initially didn't want to get
involved, but realized he had to make a stand and backed out of the
concert. This lead to him being banned from performing in the
state ever again (a ban which was eventually reversed) and it also lead
to people coming after him to try and take him down.
Ray's music was a new mix of gospel and
R&B, and a lot of people didn't take kindly to the sounds of the
Lord being mixed with sexual innuendos. And with him being a
popular black artist, there was even more reason to bring him
down. Ray was arrested on a few occasions for drug possession but
nothing would keep the man down. He wasn't the greatest husband
or father, he treated even his best and closest friends badly, and
would do anything to get and stay ahead in business. But no one
can deny that the music he created will last long past his death.
Listening to the evolution of his music was amazing. From the
early songs that I had never heard before, to the classics like Hit the Road Jack and Georgia on My Mind, the music will
live on forever. The only thing I missed was his iconic
performance of America the Beautiful,
easily the greatest rendition of the song ever made.
So overall, I enjoyed Ray. Jamie Foxx was tremendous in his
portrayal of the legendary artist and the music makes the movie worth
watching over and over again. I loved how they never glossed over
Ray's life and showed us almost all the bad stuff along with the
good. At times the movie seemed to rush over certain things, but
I'd definitely watch it again.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince