for intense sequences of action violence.
Guy Pearce as Alexander Hartdegen
Samantha Mumba
Omero Mumba
Phyllida Law
Mark Addy
Sienna Guillory
Orlando Jones
Jeremy Irons |
Full of interesting special effects, The Time Machine ultimately ends up as a run-of-the-mill man out of his elements trying to save the girl film that wastes its endless possibilities with situations that will leave you wondering if it's at all possible.
I found myself very bored throughout much of the movie. It sort of reminded me of Planet of the Apes (the Tim Burton version) in that there was a lot of potential, but instead it ended up being a standard film that just happened to take place in a different time period. Besides the fact that there was a time machine that could withstand anything that happened to it, the movie boiled down to a man, fighting for a woman, against crazy people. The philisophical question of why you can't change the past was interesting I suppose, but I never fully understood why you'd need to go into the future to answer that question. I never read the H.G. Wells book the movie is based on, so I can't say whether or not the movie is faithful to the book. But somehow I don't think that's the point. I wanted to be entertained, but my mind started to wander. First of all, in time travel movies, there are a lot of things that happen that make you sit back and wonder if it was all possible. What are the chances that 800,000 years in the future, there would be leftover street signs from New York City? That Brooklyn subway sign was in almost perfect condition, even though it appeared the Earth went through some pretty big changes over that time. And how do people in the future learn English from discarded street signs? And what are the chances that this A.I. system remains completely intact? That was the one that really got me. Alexander flies into the year 2030, spends about 5 minutes there, and one of the two people he meets happens to survive 800,000 years into the future. How quaint. I also didn't like Guy Pearce's character very much. Coming off of an amazing performance in Memento, his character here seemed very weak, even though as a professor he was able to fight off creatures single-handedly. There wasn't much about him that made me want him to find the answers he was seeking. There just wasn't much likeable about him. I did enjoy Samantha Mumba's performance, even if I still could never get past the fact that her character was able to speak perfect English. And Jeremy Irons as the Uber-Morlock was a treat, and it was sad he was only around for a few minutes. The special effects were pretty good. I enjoyed watching time fly by from Alexander's viewpoint, even if I didn't fully understand how it was possible that he could see everything but no one could see him. And it was also interesting how he could fly ahead 800,000 years into the future, yet land in an area that left his time machine completely functional. No explanation was given as to how the machine worked, but I suppose it wouldn't have made that much of a difference. And I also never figured out how the end battle worked out so that only the bad guys died and the rest of the people survived. And my last question is why Alexander would give up so quickly on saving Emma's life. From what I saw, he gave it one shot, then quit thinking it was impossible. I don't know about you, but if I spent four years of my life to try and go back into the past and save the love of my life's life, I wouldn't stop after one try. I'd try at least a couple more times before deciding it wasn't going to work. So overall, The Time Machine had a lot of possibilities, but got stuck in the same old story that we've seen before. The special effects were pretty good, but the story was ordinary. For a 100 minute movie, it got bogged down in a lot of places and ultimately didn't excite me very much. Maybe next time.
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